Banker splurges £70,000 in new Rose club!

Capital A List – London club news – 13th December 2011
Recession? What recession?! A city banker, who remains unnamed, racked up a whopping £70,000 bill at the Rose club in Marylebone this week. Joined by nine guests, the banker bought 24 bottles of £1860 champagne for each and every table in the club. In addition, the anonymous cash splasher also left a £10,000 tip on top of the £7,966 service charge, making his total bill a monstrous £71,000.60!


Paparazzi taking pictures with flash


In partnership with Whisky Mist and Mahiki, Rose club opened just 2 weeks ago. The London banker purchased a further six bottles of Dom Perignon and 6 bottles of Ciroc vodka for his and neighbouring tables before reportedly throwing £50 notes in the air in front of a frantic crowd of girls who scrambled at his feet to pick up the rainfall of cash….Who said we were still in a recession?

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